
Rio Grande Valley Chapter of


RGV-TDW Bylaws

Adopted 9/28/16 by the General Membership of the RGV-TDW

Article I: Purpose

The Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Texas Democratic Women (RGV-TDW) will promote the increased political activity and influence of Democratic women in local, state and federal government.

Article II: Policy

Section 1:   RGV-TDW may not endorse one Democrat in opposition to another Democrat.

Section 2: RGV-TDW will provide training and other support for Democrats working in party organizations, campaigns, and/or seeking party or public office.

Section 3: RGV-TDW will promote increased representation of women in party organizations and government institutions.

Section 4: RGV-TDW will promote legislative, executive, and judicial policies that enhance equitable representation of women in party organizations and government affairs.

Article III: Membership

Section 1:   Any Democrat who supports the purpose of the organization is eligible for membership.

Section 2: Members shall be any person who meets the prerequisites of Section 1 and has paid dues to the organization during the current membership year.

Section 3: RGV-TDW dues shall be set by the Executive Board and will be due each January. Renewing members must pay dues each year to be considered a member in good standing. Dues shall not be prorated.

Section 4:   The membership year shall be January 1 through December 31 of each year.

Article IV: Officers and Board

Section 1:  The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. To be eligible for office, a member must be in good standing at least one year prior to the nomination, may not be listed as a delinquent filer by the Texas Ethics Commission, may not have been convicted of a felony within the last five years, and may not hold a managerial, supervisory, or research position with a candidate’s campaign for which the member is paid (whether as an employee or as an independent contractor).

Section 2: Officers shall serve a two-year term and may be elected to the same office no more than two consecutive terms.

Section 3: Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership attending a meeting called for such purpose in the fourth quarter every other year. Officers shall hold office until the election of their successors.

Section 4: The Executive Board will be composed of the officers, the former president, and any additional board members elected by the organization.

Section 5: The Executive Board shall appoint an auditor during the first quarter of the year to examine the club's financial records of the previous year. The auditor shall report their findings to the Executive Board.

Section 6: Officer vacancies filled with six or more months remaining in the year shall be considered as a full year.

Section 7: Candidates for offices and At-Large Executive Board members shall be vetted by an ad hoc nominating committee appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 8:   The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

a.            President

  1. Sets meeting dates, prepares meeting agendas, and presides over all meetings;
  2. Represents the Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Texas Democratic Women publicly or designates an alternate;
  3. Appoints special committees and non-voting officers as needed with approval of the Executive Board;
  4. Appoints a Parliamentarian who, in addition to being familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order and providing a copy at meetings, shall also serve as Sergeant at Arms;
  5. Serves as an ex-officio member on all committees;
  6. Is an authorized signatory to all Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Texas Democratic Women bank accounts; and
  7. Is authorized to make reasonable and necessary expenditures of RGV-TDW funds not to exceed $500.00 each calendar year.

b.            Vice-President

  1. Performs the duties of the President when the President is absent;
  2. Performs duties assigned by the President;
  3. Shall serve on the Membership Committee, which recruits members for the organization; and,
  4. Is an authorized signatory on all Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Texas Democratic Women bank accounts only in the absence of the President or Treasurer.

c.            Secretary

  1. Is responsible for taking minutes of the Executive Board meetings and the General Membership, including member attendance;
  2. Distributes all meeting minutes in a timely manner to the Executive Board;
  3. Maintains custody of the records and all papers of the organization until the expiration of term of office;
  4. Sends meeting and other notices to members as directed by the President.
  5. Serves on the Communications Committee;
  6. Posts relevant news and information on RGV-TDW’s social media site(s); and
  7. At the end of the term of office, delivers all records and all papers maintained to the incoming Secretary.

d.           Treasurer

  1. Serves as custodian of all funds in all RGV-TDW bank accounts;
  2. Is an authorized signatory on all RGV-TDW bank accounts;
  3. Secures a second signature of the President or, as needed, the Vice-President, on all checks;
  4. Pays bills and makes other disbursements as directed by the Board;
  5. Reports financial status of all accounts of the organization at each Board and member meeting;
  6. Sends dues owed to TDW to the Treasurer of that organization in a timely manner as required by the Charter;
  7. Shall present annually to the Executive Board and members a complete year-end report of the finances, duly audited;
  8. Serves as custodian of all funds in all RGV-TDW bank accounts;Shall prepare and submit all necessary reports to the Texas Ethics Commission to maintain RGV-TDW’s GPAC status;Serves as Chair of the ad hoc Budget and Finance Committee;In all official matters, shall be subject to the Executive Board; andAt the end of the term of office, shall deliver all papers, money, and documents in their possession to the successive Treasurer.
  9. Is an authorized signatory on all RGV-TDW bank accounts;
  10. Secures a second signature of the President or, as needed, the Vice-President, on all checks;
  11. Pays bills and makes other disbursements as directed by the Board;
  12. Reports financial status of all accounts of the organization at each Board and member meeting;
  13. Sends dues owed to TDW to the Treasurer of that organization in a timely manner as required by the Charter;
  14. Shall present annually to the Executive Board and members a complete year-end report of the finances, duly audited;
  15. Shall prepare and submit all necessary reports to the Texas Ethics Commission to maintain RGV-TDW’s GPAC status;
  16. Serves as Chair of the ad hoc Budget and Finance Committee;
  17. In all official matters, shall be subject to the Executive Board; and
  18. At the end of the term of office, shall deliver all papers, money, and documents in their possession to the successive Treasurer.

Article V: Committees

Section 1:   The following standing committees are hereby established:

  1. Membership Committee. Works closely with the Treasurer on recruitment of new members and retention of current members. In the fourth quarter every other year, the year, shall present to the membership a slate of one candidate for each office.
  2. Legislative Committee. Reports to the membership relevant information from Congress and the Texas Legislature.
  3. Communications Committee. Works on membership communication, including social media, newsletters, and general correspondence.
  4. Program Committee. Develops ideas for programs for general membership meetings, recruits speakers, and sets up public forums as directed by the Executive Board.
  5. Fundraising Committee. Solicits donations, host fundraising events to ensure financial security of the organization.
  6. Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Committee. Develops GOTV plan; recruits and trains volunteers; implements GOTV activities.

Section 2: The President, with the majority approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint committee chairs to each committee.

Section 3: The President, with the majority approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint other Standing or Special Committees as may be required to promote the objectives and interests of the organization.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1: Meetings shall be held a minimum of four times each year. Meeting dates shall be set by the Executive Board during the fourth quarter for the next calendar year. The Executive Board may set additional meetings with proper notification to all members.

Section 2: Member meetings shall be held in person. Regular Executive Board meetings shall be held in person. Executive Board meetings specially called by the President may be held through the internet, by email, or by phone.

Section 3:   Notice of all membership and regular Executive Board meetings shall be provided at least seven days in advance of the meeting and shall include the place, day, and time of the meeting. Notice of Executive meeting specially called by the President shall be provided at least three days in advance of the meeting. Proper notice shall include written notice sent via U.S. postal service mailing, e-mail, internet posting, or phone text.

Section 4: All votes taken at Executive Board meetings held through the internet, by email or by phone shall be recorded by the Secretary. Each member’s vote shall be recorded as a yea, nay or abstain. The minutes shall be maintained in the permanent records.

Section 5: At least six members in good standing shall be present to constitute a quorum for the purposes of voting at regular or specially called member meetings.

Section 6: The Executive Board shall meet at least annually at the discretion of the President or as called by at least three Executive Board members. Four members of Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of voting.

Article VII: Voting

Section 1: Only persons who are members in good standing according to Article III shall be eligible to vote.

Section 2: All decisions by the membership at general meetings shall require a majority vote with a quorum in attendance, except in those instances specified in these bylaws.

Section 3: All decisions made by the Executive Board shall be made by a majority vote with a quorum of the board in attendance.

Section 4: Voting by proxy is not permitted.

Article VIII:  Grounds for Removal

Section 1: In an election in which candidates file by party affiliation, publicly supporting or endorsing any non-Democratic candidate or nominee for an office in which a Democrat is seeking election or nomination shall be grounds for removal from the organization.

Section 2: A member or an Executive Board member may be removed from membership during a regular or specially called meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, with a quorum in attendance.

Section 3: Use of an officer or board position to obtain a position with a campaign shall constitute grounds for removal from membership pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2. No board member shall provide or use any RGV-TDW resources for any purpose other than RGV-TDW purposes. RGV resources include but are not limited to membership, van access, organization or officer title.

Section 4: Officers and board members may not endorse primary election candidates in such a way as to make it appear that RGV-TDW is endorsing the candidate. “Endorsement” includes but is not limited to, an officer or board member appearing in a photo with a primary election candidate with the officer or board member’s RGV-TDW position mentioned or pictured in any manner. Endorsement in this manner may constitute removal from the RGV-TDW office or board pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2.

Article IX: Bylaws and Amendments

Section 1: The organization may adopt or amend by-laws as it shall deem necessary, provided the membership has received notification at least ten days in advance of the meeting. The proposed by-laws or amendments must be submitted in their entirety to all members in good standing. By-laws shall be adopted when approved by a majority vote of the members with a quorum present at a regular or specially called meeting.

Section 2: Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Board or by a written petition signed by five members in good standing.

Section 3: This organization shall not adopt bylaws that are in conflict with the Texas Democratic Women State By-Laws or the charter granted to the organization by TDW.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority

Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority governing all meetings and procedures.

Article XI: Dissolution

Should this organization be dissolved by appropriate action of its membership, the funds and other assets shall be given to the Texas Democratic Women.